Insightful Overview: Local Government Administrative Service Platform
Cloud services drive the digital transition of local governments, improving citizen convenience and fostering the growth of local administrations with proactive, customized administrative frameworks.
Create a local government administrative service platform tailored to the needs of your region by choosing SaaS-based services module by module.
Expected Effect
The administrative service platform for local governments is a cloud-based public service, increasing citizens' convenience and aiding the growth of local governments by establishing the groundwork for proactive and tailored administration.
Convenience Through Digital Transformation
- The digital transformation of local government support services enhances satisfaction with paperless administrative services by automating repetitive administrative tasks and improving service quality.
Cost Reduction in Local Government Support Programs
- Through the platform, support programs can be quickly implemented (within 1-2 months), resulting in cost savings on ancillary expenses related to support project execution, including labor, promotional material production, and computer equipment.